
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Top 3 - August Challenge

Hello there!

I'm here with the Top 3 from our August challenge which had the optional theme of Snow People! Thank you for all of your entries which we all really enjoyed looking through!

So without further ado, here are the Top 3 as chosen by the DT.




Still lots of time left to enter our September challenge - we've got an optional Christmas Decorations theme this month.

Lots of Love
The CASS-ettes

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

September Challenge - Anything Goes and Optional: Christmas Decorations

Hello, and welcome back to Christmas at Sweet Stampin'! I apologise for the lateness of the challenge post - I've been unwell.

Sadly we are saying goodbye to one of our lovely team-mates this month. Donna is having to leave us. I'm sure you will all agree that she has been a wonderful part of the team and provided lots of fabulous inspiration. We will all miss her greatly, and I'm sure you will join us in wishing Donna all the best for the future.

As a result of Donna leaving we find ourself short one team member. I would like to extend to you all the opportunity to join our team. If you love to make Christmas cards and want to be part of our lovely team then all you have to do is e-mail us at with the topic "CASS DT Call" followed by your name. Please mention why you'd like to join our team, if you are or have been on any other teams (previous DT experience is not a requirement - all will be considered!), and link to a few of your best Christmas projects on your blog so that we can get an idea of what your style is. Feel free to ask any questions about the requirements, too! The call is open for the duration of this challenge, the chosen team mate will be contacted in October and will start with the November challenge.

Now, on to this month's challenge!

Our theme is Anything Christmas Goes with an optional twist of Christmas Decorations

Here's what the talented CASSettes have come up with to inspire you this month:

Lots of fantastic inspiration, I'm sure you'll agree! Hopefully these projects have inspired you to create something of your own, whether you go with the optional twist or not. We do always love seeing interpretations of the twist, though!

You have until Tuesday 8th October at 18:00 (UK time) to enter.

Love from the CASSettes xx

This linky list is now closed.